reading tutors toronto

How to Motivate Your Child to Read and Write

reading tutors toronto
“The pleasure of reading a story and wondering what will come next for the hero is a pleasure that has lasted for centuries and, I think, will always be with us.” — Stan Lee

As parents, we all want our children to succeed, and one of the most powerful tools we can give them is a love for reading and writing. Many parents reach out to our tutoring agency seeking a reading program for their child, but the journey to fostering a love for reading can begin right at home.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to motivate your child is by establishing a regular “library time.” Make it a weekly tradition to visit the library together. This not only introduces your child to a world of books but also demonstrates the importance of setting aside dedicated time for reading. Libraries often offer reading programs or events that can further inspire your child’s interest. As your child grows, this routine can evolve into a weekly “reading night” or “reading day” at home, creating a special bonding experience that both of you will cherish.

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” — Joseph Addison

Consistency is key. Even if you miss a library visit, maintain the momentum by having a “reading night” at home. The continuity of this reading bond is crucial, as long gaps can make it harder to rekindle their interest. Establishing this bond early in your child’s life not only fosters a love for reading but also creates a sense of comfort and security that they will carry into adulthood.

As children grow older, it can become more challenging to motivate them to read regularly. However, once they’ve developed the habit of reading weekly, they are more likely to continue reading for the pure joy of it. My experience has shown that students who are avid readers tend to excel in all academic areas, including subjects like arithmetic. The importance of reading to your child when they are young cannot be overstated. The language in which you read doesn’t matter—what matters is the connection and the joy that reading together brings. When your child sees how much you enjoy reading to them, they will naturally come to associate reading with comfort and happiness. These shared moments will become cherished memories that will stay with them as they grow.

“I’m concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet.” — Joan Jett

For some parents, motivating their child to read can feel like an uphill battle, no matter how many strategies they try. This struggle is particularly evident during the summer months when academic routines are relaxed, and children may be less inclined to pick up a book. This is where our guided reading programs come in. We understand the challenges parents face, and we’re here to ensure that your child doesn’t fall behind.

We offer guided reading programs designed to meet the unique learning needs of each child,” says Madeleine Bodry, Education Consultant with Tutors For Less. “Our programs are tailored to help children not only catch up but also get ahead of their peers. We provide a variety of reading programs that cater to every child’s needs, whether they require additional support or enrichment.”

In summary, the journey to instilling a love of reading and writing in your child begins with small, consistent efforts at home. By making reading a regular and enjoyable part of your child’s life, you are laying the foundation for their future success—academically and beyond. And when additional support is needed, our team at Tutors For Less is here to help every step of the way.


Madeleine Bodry,

Tutor Recruiter,

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