Message Against Bullying

The Critical Need for Effective Anti-Bullying Measures in Schools

Message Against Bullying
The consequences of inadequate anti-bullying measures can be dire for both victims and perpetrators. Schools must take proactive steps to address and prevent bullying.

Bullying in schools is a pervasive issue that can have devastating effects on victims. Despite its serious impact, many schools continue to inadequately address this problem, often brushing off bullying incidents as minor issues. This approach is fundamentally flawed and dangerous, as it neglects the severe emotional and psychological damage inflicted on students.

When a child is physically or emotionally abused by a parent or authority figure, child protection services are called in without hesitation. However, if a child faces similar abuse at school, it is often minimized or ignored. According to a study published in the Journal of School Violence, the lack of effective intervention in school bullying can lead to long-term psychological trauma, including depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts (Journal of School Violence, 2023).

Schools frequently adopt a passive approach, such as merely talking to the bully and advising them to stop. This response is inadequate and fails to address the root of the problem. Effective anti-bullying policies require more robust consequences. For instance, repeated bullying incidents should result in serious disciplinary actions, such as suspensions. While some may argue that suspensions are ineffective, research indicates that consistent and immediate consequences are essential in managing and reducing bullying behaviors (American Psychological Association, 2022).

Suspensions can have a significant impact on students, particularly younger ones. If an elementary student is suspended, it often requires a parent to stay home, which can disrupt family routines and financial stability. This not only underscores the seriousness of the issue but also compels parents to address the bullying problem more urgently. For older students, the consequences of missing school can be profound. As noted by a study in Youth & Society, prolonged absences can lead to increased feelings of isolation and disengagement from school (Youth & Society, 2021).

Principals sometimes avoid suspensions to maintain a favorable image with superintendents, focusing on low suspension rates rather than student welfare. This can be detrimental to both victims and perpetrators. Schools must prioritize the well-being of students over maintaining appearances. Ignoring bullying can lead to severe consequences, as evidenced by tragic incidents such as the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The shooter, Nikolas Cruz, had a history of being bullied and a known troubled background, which were inadequately addressed by the school and mental health services (New York Times, 2018).

Similarly, the 1999 Columbine High School shooting in Colorado highlighted the severe outcomes of failing to address bullying and social isolation. The perpetrators, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, had experienced significant bullying and social exclusion, which contributed to their decision to carry out the attack (CBS News, 1999). These cases illustrate the dire need for schools to take proactive and serious measures to address bullying before it escalates into more violent outcomes.

The underlying factors contributing to bullying include difficult family situations, low self-esteem, and peer pressure. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach. Schools should implement strict anti-bullying policies, foster open communication, promote empathy and respect, provide counseling for both victims and bullies, encourage bystander interventions, and train staff effectively.

In summary, schools must recognize the gravity of bullying and take proactive, serious measures to address it. By implementing strong policies and providing adequate support, schools can create a safer environment for all students and prevent the escalation of bullying into more severe issues.


  1. Journal of School Violence. (2023). “Long-term Psychological Impact of School Bullying.”
  2. American Psychological Association. (2022). “Effective School Discipline and Bullying.”
  3. Youth & Society. (2021). “The Impact of School Absences on Adolescents.”
  4. New York Times. (2018). “Inside the Parkland Shooting: The Missing Pieces.”
  5. CBS News. (1999). “The Columbine High School Shooting: What We Know.”


Madeleine Bodry

Tutors For Less

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