Diverse pupils talking while looking at textbooks and preparing for test near school

Back to School Anxiety: Understanding and Managing the First Day Nerves

Back to School Anxiety: Understanding and Managing the First Day Nerves The end of summer marks the beginning of a familiar yet often stressful ritual for many students: back-to-school season. The anticipation of returning to the classroom brings a mix of excitement and anxiety. Questions start swirling: What class am I going to be in?…

Woman in Red Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting on Chair While Leaning on Laptop

How Technology-Induced Sleep Deprivation Affects Teenagers and What Parents Can Do About It

Pulling an all-nighter to cram for an exam or just staying up late for fun is something many of us have done. However, when teenagers make this a habit, it can harm their emotional well-being and academic performance. In the past, communication was limited to landline phones, making it easier to wind down and sleep…

Navigating University Challenges: A Guide to Managing Stress, Depression and Boosting Mental Health

Navigating University Challenges: A Guide to Managing Stress, Depression and Boosting Mental Health

We’ve all heard about how the workload jumps from high school to university. It’s a big adjustment, and for many students, it’s a steep learning curve. Some students in tough, competitive programs drop out or switch to easier courses because it’s just too overwhelming. The problem is that some students don’t reach out to their…